You can do so many things from the website and it’s pretty amazing, don’t ever worry about losing your phone again. If someone tries to enter your vault, and puts in a pin incorrectly 3 times, it takes a front facing picture, and sends it to your email. Also, have some pictures you wanna keep away? Put it in your vault and put a pin on your vault. It also backs up your contacts, vault, and some other things. Also say you lost your phone or you think it’s been stolen, simply his login to the T-Mobile McAfee website and press locate, and it will tell you where your phone is in live time. Say you lost your phone in your house, sign in on any other device and press the alarm button, your phone will automatically put the volume to 100% and start screaming so you can find it, which is EXTREMELY USEFUL. This app has some awesome features that you just don’t get from other companies. The app is a bit outdated but still does its job. So I got T-Mobile, downloaded this app, signed up and hooked everything up. McAfee Security for T-Mobile makes it so much safer to live your life online. Monitor up to 10 email addresses, ID numbers, passport numbers, bank cards and more.Receive breach alerts and secure your info quickly with our protection tips.Scan and monitor your personal data online.IDENTITY PROTECTION available on qualifying plans Boost your score by following recommendations like monitoring more info.Learn how safe you are online with your personalized Protection Score.Get notifications when iOS needs an update and stay secure.

Ensure safer online and network connections with Wi-Fi Scan.Receive alerts when connecting to an unsecured Wi-Fi network or hotspot.Protect yourself from phishing and data leaks with Safe Browsing alerts.Stop online threats like malware, spyware, viruses, and more.