Anyway, fire Metal Blades at Bubble Man as he swims around the arena and make sure not to jump up into the spikes at the top of the screen because they'll end your life instantly. I like getting Bubble Man out of the way next because his stage can be quite annoying with all of those spikes everywhere. Time to turn Wood Man into wood chips Bubble Man Metal Blade (M) Make sure to jump over the shield when he launches it and stand between the leaves when they fall down. isn't that music awesome?! During the fight, avoid shooting when Wood Man's Leaf Shield is up then toss a few Metal Blades his way whenever he's exposed. I like to challenge Wood Man next because, well. What's a good way to chop wood? With Metal Blades, of course.

Now that we have it, let's move ahead with our boss slaughtering escapades! They don't call it the Mega Buster for nothing Wood Man Metal Blade (M) Metal Man is the ideal boss to fight first because the weapon you get from defeating him is Metal Blade perhaps the most useful weapon in Mega Man 2 as it's effective against a few other Robot Masters and makes dealing with many of the regular enemies much easier as you can shoot it up, down, and at any 45° angle. He'll sometimes leap to the other side so stay somewhat in the middle to avoid the most damage. To beat Metal Man, simply jump to avoid the blades that he throws while shooting like crazy.

│ We value your experience at Video Chums so we display very few ads. This walkthrough follows the optimal order to face Mega Man 2's bosses so you can make the most of each stage with unlocked items and weapons as well as exploit every boss's weakness. I've been playing Mega Man 2 for over 30 years and have finished it countless times so allow me to share my go-to boss order and strategies. Maciejewski for Guides on January 9, 2022